sobota, 29. februar 2020


The Universe is now raising the frequency of its Heart and Heart is raising the frequency of our Planet!
It is our Planet that is Heart.

It is pretty much like a glass of soda or mineral water with bubbles of carbon dioxide - when you shake it!
First, the bubbles float up to the surface and gather there for a while before bursting into the air. They are leaving the medium, which is plain water!
Before disappearing, before joining the atmosphere, they are being distributed on the surface (they can’t hide anymore!) or we wouldn’t see them and realize they were present in soda all this time! We only got used to the taste, became addicted to it, but didn’t know what they were doing to us, where they came from or who/what they are.
The bubble is bursting!

Bubblers are near the surface, distributed under it and become visible... Then they are gone, disappear in the atmosphere. They are uniting the Nothing, which they are. They go where they belong, they return "home".
This is what is happening to us now on the planetary level.

Let us imagine that Water is a Consciousness – which is what it is! (no water - no life!).
The bubbles in soda are small pieces of Darkness trapped in water. They represent the unconscious part of us!
The glass is a body, a living organism that holds all this together.

The body IS Universe – and much, much more than this!

When something moves or shakes this organism vigorously, it shakes our sub-consciousness and a process arises, the one that brings us closer to the nature of our creation (and Creation!): The Lost fragments of darkness return to their initial state.

They merge with the venue from which they derived. Everything is converging to its own, darkness to Darkness, light to Light.

Now humanity is retaining darkness in the area of Light… instead of holding its light gently, appreciating it!
It is unnatural! We are built from Light to be Light.

These pieces of darkness within us have no consciousness, they just try to resist Light.

They don’t know what they are doing but – they decide our destiny.

Consciousness, as we are used to it now, fears to descend the darkness from its safe area to go deeper in search of lost pieces and see them for what they are. Instead – we are afraid of our sub-conscious! It is just the prisoner of Darkness, nothing more! And we have to go there and save it from those dark dungeons of its mind. From helplessness and despair.

Most of us are afraid even to lose our darkness for fear of what we might become when we are “free”. What’s freedom like?! Maybe I won’t like it…

They go:
God, who or what will I be if I lose what makes me now!? Who will I be then - will I still be ME?

People are afraid to be free because they don't know what it is, nobody told them what being FREE means. Each has his imagination, his idea of what freedom might look like. And then, again, we might not like it… What if we don't like it!?
Is it still Free Will if I vote for dictatorship and, by freewill, deny democracy?

They were selling us slavery for freedom. We bought it and paid it dearly.

sreda, 19. februar 2020


When GF (GrandFather) realized it was His feeling part inside that was moving as "she" -
He knew that it was his desire. And He named her - Desire!

Everything in Him became the knowledge of this new experience. His ability to desire in Him asked to be FREE. That's what freedom is! The freedom to desire!
That's when God decided that Desire is to be free to move and that's how Need has been born.

GF knew that He depended on (her)his Need to activate Desire and that Need is needed to activate Desire and Her moving. (As I write this I just love to hang in there, in this feeling…. it is safe being there!).
Let me continue with painting this canvas….

I am sooo deeply in love with my Desire - her! I am so much in need to love… that I want Love to be with me but separate from me so that I could NEED it more…. and get more!

As I need it – I feel I can get it more! Desire will activate fulfilling herself, I mean… ME and MY Desire… it may now seem complicated as I am telling you this but when you feel it… it is quite simple!

Just watch your baby screaming with desire! Desire to smell, touch, kiss, love, wait… for mommy.

I want to love more… I feel I deserve to love more after so much loneliness.

I created out of need… so I wouldn't be alone anymore in the dark vastness!
Could you imagine me destroying something NOW?
Anything? Something… or somebody?

I create. I am the Creator! Not a destroyer.
The Mother of Everything then fixes my mistakes and it is called Evolution.

I don't know if you'll understand this but please try!
You can get used to almost anything. You can get used to death, to dying slow and painful death. You can get used to a day by day vanishing in a concentration camp watching others doing the same… You get used to a husband beating you, you can even get used to be a slave for your pervert master but you can never get used to LONELINESS!
You see: You cannot relate to NOTHING.

Being unlike anybody else and not being like somebody…. means never knowing who you are. That's even beyond being lonely! And you don't know that this is what you are now. Beyond lonely.

Let me tell you about my experience:
You are all alone out there and you cannot understand who you are because there's nobody out there who would say… hey, you stink! (not even that!).

So, even if this may sound crazy: My God, the one I created and keep creating… just LOVES being common!
Being special – this He leaves to others! Being special and unique - is not his thing.
And nowadays everybody is special and wants to be special.

But not me.

If you want to be like superman you'd better ask yourself why would anybody want to be like a stone! Invulnerable, unnatural, hard, inflexible…

So when I saw (I keep painting my canvas….) my desiring part that was in love with my needing part - I simply followed the two as one cannot be without the other!

I had so many fantasies about how we will love each other… My Need and My Desire!
I fantasized about how I would never be alone again.

I needed this reassurance so much that I wanted my Love never to be alone again. Therefore I offered Her my reassurances that I won't leave her alone, and that She won't have to feel (my!) Loneliness - ever again…

How wrong I was then… I didn't see that it wasn't mine to feel loneliness but Hers, the Feminine side of our Universe in creation.

I am only there to see She is never again lonely! That is my true role. But I felt it was alright if others feel my loneliness as long as it's not mine anymore to feel it.

But then… I showed Her my fantasies and I wasn't even sure that those weren't Her Desire expressing through me.
Now I would miss it if this wasn't so.

That was it! I couldn't exist without Her anymore, without Her telling me how to exist.

If that was ME… If I was Her Desire expressing thru me, then I will be just that! I will be the Father of Her dreams!
And I will simply respond to them. Is that what "almighty" means?!

This is what I want.

Is it possible that I want through - HER!? She is my WANT and all my ability to want!???
Is this what I call desire, and She is Desire?
My Desire!

So be it. I could NEVER, ever give up on Her! Couldn't possibly….
The more she loves… the more beautiful She is!

So I learn(ed) one step at the time.
It is common… between people. And I am just people! I never wanted to be anything else.

It is because She wanted me to be »people«.

032_MY JOB

My job (that's how I understand it) is re-uniting Mom and Dad in me. Both re-united with(in) me! This is who I am, this si who I w...