sobota, 30. maj 2020


In the Beginning…. there was a woman. There is always a woman at any beginning!
And this woman had a »tool« she couldn't use by herself. It wasn't even meant to be used by her alone. It was meant to feel the need to meet somebody and learn how to use it!
Then a man came to her, and he knew even less how to use his »tool«. So, why would he learn how to use HER tool!
When a woman gets impregnated unwillingly she is confronted by a decision to bring forward a new life –or not!
For her, it's a drama.
It doesn't matter what is her political opinion about abortion. For every woman, abortion is a tragic event.
"Political« decision is a synonym for male decisions. It has got nothing to do with a female decision.
A group of people is by its nature a hysterical formation. It neglects individual feelings.
A movement – in this case a movement pro-Life or pro-Abortion uses the woman and the fetus. What can be used can also be misused?
Inside a pregnant woman carries an embryo that will grow into a child if she allows it to.
The decision is hers! NOBODY, not even God can stop her from whatever she decides she will do.
In all human history, nobody could stop her from doing exactly as she decided she wanted. Maybe she never had the power to decide about anything... but this was her world and in her world, she decides who lives and who dies.
Of course, abortions were forbidden in nearly all the systems but she always found ways to abort, this way or the other if she wanted it.
If not sooner she would kill (or someone to kill the baby for her) after the baby was born.
In Europe this was until under Napoleon the Church gave women a chance to leave the newborn to an orphanage. Before that, the killing of a baby was the usual »solution«. More usual than not - in all countries! (see The History of Childhood, author: Lloyd De Mause, 1974, The Psychohistory Press)
Abortion is not a hobby.
It is not a pleasant experience, it's a very traumatic one whether the woman knows it or not. If it is for her to decide or somebody else decides for her.
What is important here is that the one who is responsible for her state of body and mind when she becomes pregnant… DOESN'T take responsibility for it.
That makes her even more lonely.
When people are lonely they tend to socialize their loneliness.
They hope they will be less lonely that way.
And then – as a group or a movement – they declare their intention with a manifesto!
They use their problem(s) that they couldn't solve individually, or they solve it in a way that a huge trauma remains with them forever unresolved – and they make a political statement about it!
They hide behind it. It is a way for an individual to hide behind the group movement and feel less guilty.
It is difficult to be responsible for everything, just by yourself. I hope you understand that.
But the one who is responsible (the one who begets a new life) refuses to be responsible. Where there is no Responsibility - there is Guilt!
And Guilt is WOMAN.

Let me repeat this: male irresponsibility is woman's guilt.
And now Guilt is God on the planet. It is killing us all.
And still…. Nobody wants to become responsible. They prefer woman's Guilt! They use it and misuse it because it is the only tool they know how to use. It is leverage!
You cannot manipulate people without Guilt! But those who want Guilt out of the way (and off the Planet!) now, ought to become Responsible!
Which they avoid becoming.
Responsibility and Guilt exclude each other. It is either one or the other, there cannot be both.
Both – doesn't exist! It is either-either!
It is a Responsibility OR Guilt.
Guilt has consequences. So has Responsibility. Only Responsibility brings good consequences and Guilt brings horror and punishment and death. Guilt demands victims.
That is the difference between the two.
Guilt sticks to a woman and stays with her. The one who is responsible for her state never was responsible nor he wants to be responsible even now!
Guilt has no way to go. No escape!
I already mentioned: where there is no responsibility there remains guilt!
What is a woman afraid of?
She is afraid that she alone must be responsible for Life. And she alone (often without outside help!) has to take care, feed it, giving it hope…
This is a primordial fear of one who creates LIFE.
The debate about abortion is a debate about male indifference; about how much is a human life worth to a man (and to mankind!) as a phenomenon in the Universe.
Is it worth keeping it alive? Even when it hurts?
It is good to remember that WOMAN gives birth to all men! Good and bad.
If the world treats the woman kindly she will treat humanity kindly.
If nations wage war… it is because the war is inside them.
These humans don't use their »tools« for what they were meant to be used (to make love). They turn them into weapon! Which means into something that wasn't meant to be.

A phrase comes to my mind... a poet
- and spilled ink!
He can't write without any ink, can he.
A woman is spilled ink.
She is a poem!
Imagine what she could tell us. She needs a writer to write HER.
All poems are already there in the spilled ink called WOMAN. They just need to be looked for, adopted, embraced, accepted, understood.

nedelja, 10. maj 2020


I believe that all the Biblical stories were meant to be interpreted and re-interpreted, again and again… for this is the way we move along human history: understanding the same things differently! 

This happens parallel to our understanding of the changes that happen with always new experiencing the same. This way all around us becomes new, and some things even becoming alive, for the first time - ever!

So the interpretations are new because they are meant to be this way. They make us new!
They follow our needs, and we must follow our needs. It is meant to be.

I always saw Lucifer as our subconscious part or our Subconsciousness. Most of the time it is deciding for us instead of us deciding consciously.
To speak the truth - our Unconscious decides ALL the time, instead of our Conscious part!

Every student of medicine knows we couldn't be sane in mind without our subconscious part of the self. We'd go insane if we couldn't save (push deep down, away from knowing) all painful and traumatic events we cannot accept at the moment they happen.
This way we create a level of "consciousness" that is a sub-level - but still consciousness it is, altho sub-conscious.

So - subconsciousness is there for a reason. It is there, it exists because it must be what it is!
It plays a role. It is necessary.
So what is the reason for its existence and why is it important that such a possibility exists?

There are many things more painful than we can feel (and accept by feeling the as Pain) at the time when it happens. It is too overwhelming and therefore dangerous to be felt all at once - there is too much of it! The organism cannot encompass it and understand it all. We must feel it in fragments so we can deal with it emotionally and finally understand. We cannot understand unless we feel it.
A feeling comes first, understanding comes later!
We are ONLY what we feel. Don't think that we are what they teach us to be(come). We are what we feel. Nothing more, nothing less!
believe me, it is more than enough. It is all!

But we cannot feel the Pain unless we are certain that we know our feelings are safe to feel. And even then it is no small potato!
If we do it this way we realize that our Pain is not everlasting. We then know it can be felt and can vanish.
Our inner energies are re-directed inside our body and they circulate in a normal way. They do not mass within certain organs and represent dis-ease. Not anymore!

Certainly, we can't deal with too much Pain all at once but we can relive it in fragmental states. Meaning, we can feel parts of the whole Pain but not all at once. 
We could die if we did so. Some do die!

When God created (God being Mother and Father) then »He« part of God couldn't understand all that was happening to Him and Her!
The Intelect (He part!) wasn't able to explain right away why and where all the creatures were coming from. 
Why all things beget? Why are they born out of Mother and Father? Where do they come from?

And when I say "He", it means the part of God that is other - than Desire. Desire is a She! She is a woman!

Desire is not Intellect, its intelligence is Intuition. 
Intuition is the highest form of knowledge in the Universe.
It already knew what would happen, before Spirit could even think about it!

And it warned the Spirit! But Spirit didn't listen because it (He) needs experiencing first, to be able to learn. Or He won't know! Without first experiencing the World - Spirit cannot know much about it!

Desire, on the other hand, is free-flowing energy that simply has to move, and move wherever She wants.
Desire is very much what we later (through history) perceived as FREEDOM.

The "male" God's job is to create a safe place for Desire to move freely and allow the Desire to express herself!
Desire needs this because She leads the process of creating! 
Desire tells us where to go to fulfill our needs, wishes, will, desires, plans, visions…
The male God is called Spirit or the Intelect, He felt bad about not understanding His Desire! 
After all - Desire is the Moither od EVERYTHING!

He felt not good enough, neglected, not up to do the job, unfit… (male impotence!)
He at the time wasn't being able to follow Her where She wanted to go. And He didn't express it then!
This all went in the lost will... it is now in what Islam and others are doing to women and children: cutting their sex organs to make them not feel their sex.
This is why Spirit and spirit polarized beings as well as civilizations that embrace Body denial don't recognize their Desire.
It comes out of them in a demonic state as the denial of Desire.
It is maiming people. It takes revenge for not listening and obeying God!

In short, while She was moving or wanted to move to create, God didn't recognize Her as His Will!

This is when He started to push down His feelings and they all went to Body! The feelings bothered Him, aHe wanted to get rid of them and didn't want to be bothered. Like an old scientist at home, working on his computer while the kids are too loud and playful. 

And the place He created for things He labeled »this doesn't exist«, is a room with all things He didn't (at the time) understood. He didn't know where they belong, who was supposed to be responsible for, or even what they want!

These are the things He couldn't find the right place for in the Universe at that time! There simply had to be a place like temporary storage for all things without the place to be there. So they were pushed in the room where things exist in the state called "this isn't here". That is why our Subconscious part manifests as denied Consciousness!

All this couldn't be explained without more experiencing the Manifestation (this is why our world is called: the Manifestation! It manifests).

So God said to himself: I will place all these things in this room and they will wait there until I am ready to explain them. Sooner or later I will have to return to them and see who they are, what they want...unless I can now make them obey my rules.

Then (this is how God planned) when I know where to put them and what they want… I will also know how to treat them. As equals or subordinate...

Here something was missing but the Mother part of God already knew. He didn't know it then but his reasoning should end with: IF, AND WHEN, THEY ACCEPT MY WILL!!!)
Will - being His wife (the Mother!).
That's what Desire is about.

Mother needed someone who will also understand Her not just use Her for pleasure ( which She had nothing against!). So, BODY was created ("invented"). It was born out of Desire. She desired it and the Body was born! The body is Consciousness! Besides being our body that learns and saves the knowledge of the Universe! Which we don't seem to understand and don't yet see the purpose.
We think that body is a "dead" matter which only becomes alive when we come to Earth and dress it up like a suit that we throw away when we die.
But the point is that we can make "dead" things alive and when they live in us they are the Library that can teach us things about our Creation and ourselves in it when we decide to be part of this World. 

The Mother of EVERYTHING gives us body when we come here (when we incarnate) to teach us about HER World. She wants us to understand and accept Her ideas of how Creation should function and how it should develop. 

In the meantime God feels pushed away, feels bad, feels forgotten, unwanted.
The Snake in the Paradise is his Subconscious part detecting His fear of the "unknown". And Intuition feels it!
His Fear takes form in which He then moves to Mother tempting Her:
Go ahead, don't fear... find ways to move through these misunderstandings with God. He is now unable to move with You here… He can't follow you here...
Just how much of it is untrue? All of it is true.)

So, Lucifer is the Subconscious part of God!
This is also the way how Consciousness takes Responsibility for own Subconscious.

That is why we (and our God!) will "empty" and clean all the »spare-rooms« with all the stuff packed inside with lost creatures, forgotten souls, demons who don't know who they belong to or where should they go to... by accepting the content, making it ours!
All the unfinished forms in such a bad shape, in search od a more suitable form to them, the one that will feel good... in search of form, wholeness... These creatures are crazy with Pain! They cannot feel because they don't have a body.

They do not feel! 
That's why they possess other beings with the body and try to rule them. They just think their Pain but they can't feel it because they do not own it! 
They let others feel their Pain.

And that is HELL.

They only depend on their true master. The Creator, The one that created them. They do not have enough Free Will nor they have a body to heal themselves.
And their true master is Consciousness. 

All those demons want to be DELIVERED, they long for it.
But they don't know who their true master is! Nobody seems to be their father.

So they'll turn to anybody ready to take them in.

Lucifer took them in. 
That by itself took a form in our imagination, and then... became dictators of the world. Why? 
Because Consciousness was hesitating! It didn't want to accept "the Unknown". Didn't want the Responsibility for it! So, the Unknown decided it should rule the world. And it does!

Nobody takes in Lucifer and Demons! Everybody is afraid of them.
This is the reason enough they should think they are "perfect" and therefore bigger (and stronger) than God.

Nobody owns them because nobody dares to own them.
So now they stampede throughout this God's Kingdom and ruin God's (Mother's) Creation. Owning it, even though Lucifer never created anything and is not the true owner of all LOST things.
Lucifer makes God's children compete and even kill each other.

So, this »room« is like a patient's craziness, trying to get well (better) and is now on an analyst's couch!

But when this room is too dark and scary and we are afraid to open the door… and there is probably no help from anywhere - other than pills that can keep doors closed tight - we have our Pain unfelt. Then this Pain takes the form of Lucifer. This is what our Mind does: It creates.

How we protect ourselves from feeling the Pain? The body creates defense mechanisms! It is automatic. If the body didn't create them we would die.

We have to dig ourselves out from the deep realms of our souls and whatever we save from there - is the lost child in us! We do it slowly trying to respect the laws of nature and the ability of our body that it will know what to do. That is why we do it slowly and with care.
Exactly like we were saving a drowning kid from some deep water!

What Lucifer is - is every the absence of THE Consciousness and therefore Responsibility.
This is why I say that Lucifer works with Guilt and God (Consciousness) works with responsibility.
Where there is one cannot be the other. It is an either-or, situation!

The Subconscious when it is moving (and it always is on the move!) takes a form away from Responsibility. Then it does what it seems right to it: it takes drugs (eradicates consciousness, denies pain, uses Guilt as its tool…). It then kills, steals, plays the game of revenge, it hates, never forgives, and always uses Guilt as leverage to keep the »pain« unconscious as long as possible. Or as long as the body can take it. 
Probably until an OD.

And (mind you) politics is just a drug that does the same thing to us!

So, we are emptying the »room« now.
We place the same sign on this door that God did before us and we claim: This isn't here!
And then we go to vote.

Now we know that not all we think and believe in isn't true! We learn the hard way and still don't know everything. We only know what we dare to feel.

Right now we prefer polarizing because it allows us not to feel! That's the meaning of polarizing, that's why we polarize; not to feel the other!

There is a lot of things to be said here. And we are afraid of all of it.
But with our Mother's (Will's) and Body's help and showing it to our Father Spirit God (who will eventually embrace it all as He embraces us all) we can empty the room and leave the space open for eventual shoving inside the future unknown" events and demons of our device...
So, this place should remain as a possibility, a potential useful storeroom, a waiting room to have more experience and therefore knowledge to decide where all the unknown has its right place; but they will need to accept their own Free Will first!
We will leave this room empty or nearly empty. Ready only for eventual stuff, a waiting room, and potential storage for future things we won't be able to understand right away. A quarantine, if you like!
Until we can trust them. Until we try them first in a way that is safe for us, and safe for them!

But - mind you - there will be very little of those things that we won't be able to understand now. Our knowledge is great! It is not weak. We have learned a lot along the way.

We'll know more when we share them with our Spirit Father! More and more of us will be with God until we are all His! (as we truly are).

And we are with Mother. With Body. We are their Heart.

We will be here with this Planet, which is our true Home. I just wish you would understand how big a heart is this Planet… It loves as with its last grain of sand, with every molecule of water, leaf on a tree…

This planet longs for us to accept it as our HOME. 
It was created to be HOME. But we must feel it as such.
Our first home is - body! We feel our world with feeling our body.

032_MY JOB

My job (that's how I understand it) is re-uniting Mom and Dad in me. Both re-united with(in) me! This is who I am, this si who I w...