sobota, 30. maj 2020


In the Beginning…. there was a woman. There is always a woman at any beginning!
And this woman had a »tool« she couldn't use by herself. It wasn't even meant to be used by her alone. It was meant to feel the need to meet somebody and learn how to use it!
Then a man came to her, and he knew even less how to use his »tool«. So, why would he learn how to use HER tool!
When a woman gets impregnated unwillingly she is confronted by a decision to bring forward a new life –or not!
For her, it's a drama.
It doesn't matter what is her political opinion about abortion. For every woman, abortion is a tragic event.
"Political« decision is a synonym for male decisions. It has got nothing to do with a female decision.
A group of people is by its nature a hysterical formation. It neglects individual feelings.
A movement – in this case a movement pro-Life or pro-Abortion uses the woman and the fetus. What can be used can also be misused?
Inside a pregnant woman carries an embryo that will grow into a child if she allows it to.
The decision is hers! NOBODY, not even God can stop her from whatever she decides she will do.
In all human history, nobody could stop her from doing exactly as she decided she wanted. Maybe she never had the power to decide about anything... but this was her world and in her world, she decides who lives and who dies.
Of course, abortions were forbidden in nearly all the systems but she always found ways to abort, this way or the other if she wanted it.
If not sooner she would kill (or someone to kill the baby for her) after the baby was born.
In Europe this was until under Napoleon the Church gave women a chance to leave the newborn to an orphanage. Before that, the killing of a baby was the usual »solution«. More usual than not - in all countries! (see The History of Childhood, author: Lloyd De Mause, 1974, The Psychohistory Press)
Abortion is not a hobby.
It is not a pleasant experience, it's a very traumatic one whether the woman knows it or not. If it is for her to decide or somebody else decides for her.
What is important here is that the one who is responsible for her state of body and mind when she becomes pregnant… DOESN'T take responsibility for it.
That makes her even more lonely.
When people are lonely they tend to socialize their loneliness.
They hope they will be less lonely that way.
And then – as a group or a movement – they declare their intention with a manifesto!
They use their problem(s) that they couldn't solve individually, or they solve it in a way that a huge trauma remains with them forever unresolved – and they make a political statement about it!
They hide behind it. It is a way for an individual to hide behind the group movement and feel less guilty.
It is difficult to be responsible for everything, just by yourself. I hope you understand that.
But the one who is responsible (the one who begets a new life) refuses to be responsible. Where there is no Responsibility - there is Guilt!
And Guilt is WOMAN.

Let me repeat this: male irresponsibility is woman's guilt.
And now Guilt is God on the planet. It is killing us all.
And still…. Nobody wants to become responsible. They prefer woman's Guilt! They use it and misuse it because it is the only tool they know how to use. It is leverage!
You cannot manipulate people without Guilt! But those who want Guilt out of the way (and off the Planet!) now, ought to become Responsible!
Which they avoid becoming.
Responsibility and Guilt exclude each other. It is either one or the other, there cannot be both.
Both – doesn't exist! It is either-either!
It is a Responsibility OR Guilt.
Guilt has consequences. So has Responsibility. Only Responsibility brings good consequences and Guilt brings horror and punishment and death. Guilt demands victims.
That is the difference between the two.
Guilt sticks to a woman and stays with her. The one who is responsible for her state never was responsible nor he wants to be responsible even now!
Guilt has no way to go. No escape!
I already mentioned: where there is no responsibility there remains guilt!
What is a woman afraid of?
She is afraid that she alone must be responsible for Life. And she alone (often without outside help!) has to take care, feed it, giving it hope…
This is a primordial fear of one who creates LIFE.
The debate about abortion is a debate about male indifference; about how much is a human life worth to a man (and to mankind!) as a phenomenon in the Universe.
Is it worth keeping it alive? Even when it hurts?
It is good to remember that WOMAN gives birth to all men! Good and bad.
If the world treats the woman kindly she will treat humanity kindly.
If nations wage war… it is because the war is inside them.
These humans don't use their »tools« for what they were meant to be used (to make love). They turn them into weapon! Which means into something that wasn't meant to be.

A phrase comes to my mind... a poet
- and spilled ink!
He can't write without any ink, can he.
A woman is spilled ink.
She is a poem!
Imagine what she could tell us. She needs a writer to write HER.
All poems are already there in the spilled ink called WOMAN. They just need to be looked for, adopted, embraced, accepted, understood.

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