sobota, 6. junij 2020

030_"ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" - is denied rage!

"Thousands arrested, hundreds injured and 8 deaths after 4 days of protests. Isn't this what a police state looks like?"

This is what "meditating" does to people! Meditating and preaching universal LOVE! 
They both cover RAGE and they both make it look like it can be dealt with and dismissed by simply avoiding expressing... while in reality, our denied rage is piling up, waiting for some lucifer to manipulate with it. 
Lucifer manipulates with us as long as we have denied rage! We are denied rage so he manipulates us by manipulating our rage. 

Why do we hold it? It is because we have learned that we cannot show our rage to God. he might be angry with s if we show it to Him. The saints don't show rage! 

That's all BULSHIT! 

He'd be only too happy to guide us through our rage. Even (especially then!) when our anger is all about Him. And it ALWAYS is!
All around the world, all the rage there is, is about our denied rage for God!

We deny it and then it bursts in our hands with some unpredicted event like the killing of a black person. And when this happens... our rage (and our "righteousness" generalizes because rage has always been there despite all LOVE going around, and singing ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, and "meditation" and all other crap... Like holding hands and chanting singing Kumbaya... 

Why? Because it is simpler when you polarise your anger and join the rest of a gang in lynching somebody. Anger can be guided by people with a hidden agenda. It is they who stage our reality by starting the violence. They use our Rage to do it! 

Then it is always "others" who can be blamed for it. 

Good people OWN THEIR PAIN. 
They never let dictators and idiots use their Pain for doing what they are doing now. 
So - own your Pain! Don't let it go far away from you and do mad things without your control!
Those who misuse your unconscious rage only have the power because we don't own our rage. 
They own our rage and can do with it whatever they please because we let them.
We don't mind, we don't feel like being accountable for what they do with OUR RAGE! 

All that Hippie ideology of the Sixties... with great words and big signs like MAKE LOVE NOT WAR, PEACE, UNIVERSAL LOVE, goodness, forgiveness...
was a well-schemed plan, so the Western civilization could produce the future generations who won't be able (in fact they are not!) fighting back when attacked and manipulated with. 
They will just lie down and die (as they do now!). 

Now the grandsons of those hippies and their daughters have a big mess in their heads. They believe that promiscuity and not being sexually defined - is all we need to be happy! 
They don't know if they are coming or going. 

They don't know where their rage is coming from! Or what causes it.
They are just afraid of what they might do with what is manifesting through them. Besides, they don't know where it comes from. 
Not knowing themselves - they are afraid of themselves! They don't trust themselves.
A bunch of irresponsible kids who don't give a damn about becoming responsible and grow up. 

That's socialism! Remaining infantile as a society - that is socialism! 

Hippies begot children who can't produce because they lack creativity (in fact they are becoming sterile!) they can't care for themselves nor the children, so they want to socialize the child care and let the State take care of them.

These children now only know how to loot and be angry and demand their "human rights"... but have no responsibility for anything they do. Like children they hey can't be held accountable for anything they decide they want to do.
BUT WHAT HAPPENS then, after they win their battles?!!
Do they have a plan?

Do they know how they want to organize life after they "win" and start ruling their "new" world of peace, love, and equal possibilities?? Will they work, or will they just continue to loot? 

I have seen this happening in my country in 1991!
There is nothing more miserable than a country that cannot survive by the working hands of its people. They became afraid of Freedom and fell back into the claws of dependency and Debt. They felt more comfortable this way! That's how ideology works.  
That's where my nation is now and it was a crappy decision! 

As much as I hate repeating myself in certain things it is true that the Old World depends on America. 
The Americans saved Europe from WWI and WWII. And then us from the Balkan wars in 1991. 
Is now America falling for some stupid "revolution" that doesn't even know what will do after it "wins"? 
With the end of America, it is the end of the rest of the civilized free world!.
Save it! Fight for it, you are fighting now for all of us. For the world.

One of the steps our Creation will take to make us understand will come from the inside. This one we won't be able to fight away.


My God is saying:
I got you surrounded from inside and outside...
This time I come for you from within and from without! You now occupy only a thin space in between, that is all that remains for you to hide,
With each day I have more and you have less. You are thinner and thinner (almost 2D!), with no space else to move but inside Me!

Soon you will be all mine.
Where will you go now that you haven't already been before? It never really worked for you.
Where will you hide from me,
where can you?

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