četrtek, 18. junij 2020


Civilizations and cultures are created by women and not by men.
Men conquer the land and use a sword to submit, but women create the culture, nurture it support it, and populate the conquered land. She keeps it ALIVE by keeping their culture alive.
The men are just tools. No brain - just dependency on (her) the idea!

All civilizations were created by women. Precisely: by mothers!
More precisely: on GUILT!
It resides inside woman. It is a sickness of which women are carriers but the men get sick.

There is nobody else who could take Responsibility for Life! So Guilt remains in her, closed safely behind the bars never to go out....
She is afraid of it! She is afraid of what she might do if she goes mad. She creates sons who will never love another woman besides mom! Why should someone else receive this gift from her, having what she never had!?

The men are just tools. No brain, just dependency on (her) idea of how much her Desire should be free to move in her world. This shows how much she will allow herself to be free in her own world.

Our world is the manifestation of how she treats herself.
The History of mankind is the history of one Woman who wants to avenge herself on someone. And that someone is - herself!

This pic shows her self-hatred! She is the victim of a woman who created a culture in which a woman teaches her son to avenge her. His "borrowed" revenge (ideology and religion) then attacks another woman… which is herself, again, in some period of her own life!

She is a girl, a woman, a mother, a daughter in law… same woman-hating herself. 
A lesbian hating a straight self. One woman watching herself at different stages of her life expressing selfhatred as if it was a "live thing", something real, which is not.

Then sons hate to be men (their momma hates men) and become less-men so their mommy wouldn't hate them becoming men themselves.

The pic shows how her self hatred is manifested. So, Western civilization is organized in a way that helps women survive their self-hatred.
The eastern civilizations (Islam) doesn't! It is raw hatred now feeling the downfall. This is why the Red chakra of the Earth is attacking the EU and America (Intelect!): wants to survive!

Civilization means organizing madnesses in the way (and that's the DEFINITION of the civilization!) they don't kill each other.
We don't need to understand more to know how civilization and culture work together in support of each other.

EU doesn't understand this and we are watching its downfall. »Human rights« are devouring it! We are witnessing the downfall of Europe.
»Human rights« is Lucifer's invention.
Human rights are a demon that is ruling the EU now.

My country - is a post-communist compost!
It means the disintegration of the nation, and hatred of everything national.
Nation on the other hand is what built a tribe (... in good or bad!) to be what now is. It has an identity! 
It has its defenses,  an immune system that kept it alive throughout history. People trust each other because this trust has been proven in battle! It protected the nation from disappearing!

Communism (ideology, religion…) says: don't protect yourself, trust ideology, protection is bad… (defund the police, fuck the army!).-
The system will take care of you… 

Then the government destroys all the nation's defenses including the health system! It opens the gates for the psychopathic killer to enter and rule because there is no one left to protect the nation!
Then it says we have to understand… it is just peaceful protest… nobody loses anything... bla bla bla!

What I see now is an uncivilized form, a non-civilized non-culture (not even culture!), it is a disintegration of all values in which everything is prescribed and regulated. This interferes with Free Will.

Biology being despised - is being replaced by Politics!
But Biology isn't Politics! Biology is biology and remains bilogy! While politics is politics and cannot be enything else. Certainly not biology, even if it wants to be biology.
Biology cannot be manipulated. Politics is nothing BUT manipulation! Of body and mind.

Communism is sterile, its barrenness needs to be supported to stay alive.
It is a constant pride parade of inhumanity manifested as a system!

Socialism is a nation that doesn't have a will to grow. The fetuses prefer staying in an incubator. For which energy somebody has to pay.
 In the end, the prematurely born fetuses perform abortions between themselves and we call it – civil war! 

The loudest of the fetuses now play Simon says…
Americans, please don't play this game with them, you have too much to lose. When you lose - we all lose!

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